Language: Russian, English subtitles Duration: 48 min Year of production: 2013 In 2012 the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the II Vatican Council, the crucial event in the history of the Catholic Church in the XX century. The intrigue of the documentary is to see the influence of the decisions taken half a century ago […]
Interdenominational talk-show DIALOGUES. Broadcast at EWTN — Europe since 2012 Language: German Year of production: 2012, 2015, 2016 Duration: 30 min. each program For the first time at least in the history of Russian mass media, it has become possible to invite two clerics of both Churches to a TV studio and to invite them not […]
On the Way to Church. Life and Fate of Fr. Alexander Mien Language English Year of Production 2001 Duration 58 min Fr. Alexander Mien was and still is more than a priest for Russian history. His village parish united thousands of people of different social statutes, nationalities, different educational and intellectual level and professions. The […]
Orthodox Rome. Invitation to Pilgrimage Language English Year of Production 2003 Duration 42 min Historical and spiritual dialogue of the Churches, the common holy places and objects are depicted in the project “Shrines and Relics of the Undivided Church” opened by the film “Orthodox Rome. Invitation to Pilgrimage”. The hero of the film – an […]
Open the Doors of Mercy to Me Language English Year of production 2003 Duration 30 min. The film is dedicated to the unique phenomenon, more social than religious. In a small town lost in the Ural steppes a common parish priest adopted 53 children. In this historically poverty-striken region Russian perestroika left deprived thousands of […]
Sacrament of Baptism (Orthodox tradition) Language (Version) Russian. Voiced to English Year of Production 1999 Duration 30 min. Many of us, living on the edge of millenium, are baptised as most of those who lived before us during two thousand years. But what does it mean — to accept Sacrament of Baptism? Common people can hardly […]